We’ve all seen the photos of hyper-organized pantries. You know the ones. Rows and rows filled with dozens of clear bins, labeled with each item that fits perfectly within each box. Although this method might work well for some of us, for most people, taking organization to an extreme is not only costly, but also unsustainable in practice.
The key to creating a space that is easy to keep free from clutter, is to start by analyzing what clutters your home and where clutter occurs the most.

If most of your clutter is near the entry of your home, it might mean that you tend to drop everything the moment you get home. Whether this happens after work, school, or errands, having an easy system in place to put items when you walk in the door can help prevent this space from falling into complete disarray. Something as simple as a few coat hooks can give you a place to store outerwear, hats, keys, and bags, while a little shelf for shoes can maximize floor space and keep walkways clear.

Cluttered countertops are also very common, especially in kitchens. For everyday items, a small tray or even a cutting board can help keep counters clear for cooking tasks, all while visually making the clutter appear less than it really is. This trick is especially important in places where you have an abundance of small items you regularly use such as candles.

Similarly, clearing your bathroom countertops is a must, especially if you always find yourself running late in the morning. With space at a premium sometimes you have to get creative. Finding vertical organizers is an excellent way to keep the counters clear, while also keeping your essential items close at hand.

In your living space, it can be tricky to find a balance between boring and busy. Eliminating unnecessary clutter can help let your décor shine. Cordless shades are a great way to create clean lines, especially in a busy space. When it comes to displaying your knick-knacks, play with height to create different shapes and sizes. Adding a simple tray or coffee table book under you stacks can help create a cleaner finish. Don’t be afraid to have fun with color. Group your items by color or find ways to make groups using a repeating color pattern.
No matter how you organize your space, Horizons can help you make it yours. Contact a dealer to get started today!